In a world where there is good as well as bad; we see it and hear it everyday. A child’s world should be all good
Bright Beginnings Childcare Center, Inc.
Where your child can have a Bright Beginning.
Brighten life
In a world where there is good as well as bad; we see it and hear it everyday. A child’s world should be all good; lots of sunshine and lots of fun. There should always be enough food, clothing, and shelter; Hugs, Love and Patience in abundance. Parents and Caregivers who teach with understanding and compassion. A child should only need wake up each day. Here at Bright Beginnings we want to provide these things for your child. A home away from home.
Where your child can have a Bright Beginning.

Our Curriculum
- A curriculum that is comprehensive, or that can be a supplement to an established curriculum
- A curriculum that is flexible, allowing teachers to choose form 40 Topics of Study in nine focus areas and to decide when to explore them with children
- A curriculum in which each Topic of Study begins with familiar children’s books
- A curriculum that includes language and literacy, science/discovery and math activities, food/nutrition experiences, movement/physical education, ideas for learning centers and outdoors, transition activities, family activities, and patterns for teacher-made materials
- A curriculum designed for licensed and registered child care programs in Arkansas